Saturday, August 14, 2004

On my way.

I'm sending this from my phone. This is rather surreal, blogging from my phone. In any vein, driving to nyc takes an invariably long time. Note to self- given choice of plane or auto, take plane every time. Will not arrive until tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, nothing is new, besides the fact that i forgot my camera attachment for my phone. Had i brought it, that would have facilitated both picture taking and moblogging. There's not much i can do about it, but i'm sure it won't affect the level of fun.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Neglect, but not for long..

This blog is entirely ignored, even more so than my other blog. However, when I go to NY this weekend, I will blog exclusively using Blogger. That fairly well sums up everything I wanted to say, thus I will write no more.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

What is happening?

So yea, I already have a blog. This is just so that I can comment on my brother's blog. Too, if I ever go somewhere and require remote blogability, this will prove insanely useful.

Indeed. More on the title of this blog, "Asphalt Stalks", later.